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What Should You Look Out For When You Need a Cataract Doctor Arizona?

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Perhaps you or someone you know have had a Cataract Doctors Arizona fix their cataract problem with Arizona Eye surgery and you are impressed about the results. Or perhaps you have just heard about their competence and professionalism and you are wondering if they carry out any other eye service you or someone close to you is interested in.

Well, the answer is that yes, an eye clinic, apart from taking care of cataracts, will also be able to properly take care of a number of other medical conditions of the eyes. Some of the conditions you can trust Arizona Cataract Surgery to take care of are discussed below.

iStent / Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a condition where the eye’s optic nerve gets damaged slowly until it is completely destroyed. The cause has been linked to aqueous humor circulation blockage or blockage of the drainage, leading to increased pressure in the eye. This could also be as a result of the fibers of the optic nerve having a poor supply of blood. The right Cataract Doctors Arizona can provide you with iStent treatment for Glaucoma, which is one of the best treatments for Cataract Doctors Arizona managing Glaucoma.

Kamra Inlay

If you are having problems with your vision such as problems with reading as well as problems with seeing far or near, the Kamra inlay can help you. For more than 10 years, it has been used all over the world. The technology has now been perfected and certified to be effective and safe in providing a clear vision that an individual can enjoy for a very long time.

Dry Eyes

Even though most of us only know as tears as the fluid that comes out of our eyes when we cry or as an inconvenience when our eyes are irritated. However, tears have very important functions. Apart from the fact that they help to lubricate the eye and that we won’t be able to see clearly without tears, they are also important in helping with cleaning dirt out of the eyes. This is why when you have dry eyes, you could get symptoms including getting increasingly irritated in the eye in a smoky environment, stringy mucus, scratchiness, stinging and burning sensations. Cataract Doctors Arizona can provide a wide range of dry eyes treatment including Restasis Therapy and Punctal plugs among others.

Refractive Errors

Refractive error is the major cause of a number of eye problems including presbyopia (problems with changing focus, astigmatism (a blurry vision), farsightedness or hyperopia and nearsightedness or myopia. All of these medical conditions can be treated in the right Arizona eye clinic.

Macular Degeneration

The macular is responsible for your ability to drive or read due to the fact it allows you to clearly view fine details. It is located in the retina. Its degeneration could thus, make it difficult to read or put a thread through a needle.


Floaters are some clouds or small specks you observe moving within your scope of vision. They are caused by cells or gels inside the Vitreous part of the eyes.

Arizonacataract.com can help in taking care of a wide range of eye problems. These eye problems include Cataract, Glaucoma, Kamra Inlay, Dry Eyes, Refractive Errors, Macular Degeneration and Floaters among others.